

Fang, D., & Maglio, S. J. (2023). Time perspective and helpfulness: Are communicators more persuasive in the past, present, or future tense?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [PDF]

Fang, D., Kang, S. K., & Kaplan, S. (2022). We need to make sure telecommuting does not exacerbate gender disparity. The Lancet.

Conference Presentations

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2023). The Influence of Text Message Abbreviations on Relational Outcomes. Talk Presented at Association for Consumer Research (ACR) 2023, Seattle, Washington

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2023). On Time or On Thin Ice: How perceived quality is affected when work is submitted early, on, or past its deadline. Talk Presented at Association for Consumer Research (ACR) 2023, Seattle, Washington

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2023). On Time or On Thin Ice: How perceived quality is affected when work is submitted early, on, or past its deadline (ACR) 2023, Seattle, Washington

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2023). The Influence of Text Message Abbreviations on Relational Outcomes. Talk Presented at China Marketing International Conference (CMIC) 2023, Chengdu, China

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2023). Deadline and Perceived Quality. Talk Presented at the Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference (SOBDR) 2023, Toronto, Canada

Fang, D. (2023). Cha-Ching! The Benefits of Using Chatbots like ChatGPT for Marketing Research. Talk Accepted at Global Marketing Conference at Seoul 2023, Seoul, Korea

Fang, D., Didi, K., & Maglio, S. (2023). The Effects of Violating Deadlines: Quality Perceptions of Work Submitted Early, on Time, or Late. Talk Presented at Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) 2023 Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Fang, D. (2023). Dont leave me on read! How avoidance-based vs. busyness-based attribution of read receipts influences relationship outcomes. Research Spotlight Presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Fang, D. & Yang, L. (2023). The Impact of SMS Abbreviations on Interpersonal Perceptions. Poster Presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Fang, D., Didi, K., & Maglio, S. (2022). How perceived quality is affected when work is submitted early, on, or past its deadline. Poster Presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) 2022 Annual Conference, San Diego, California

Fang, D. & Maglio, S. (2022). Breaching Deadlines: How Performance Evaluations Change as a Function of When you Submit Work. Talk Presented at the IIT Delhi Student Research Conclave on Behavioural Science, Judgment, and Decision Making 2022, Virtual

Fang, D. (2022). Dont leave me on read! How avoidance-based vs. busyness-based attribution of read receipts influences relationship outcomes. Poster Presented at INFORMS Advances in Decision Analysis 2022 Conference, Washington, D.C. (Best Poster Award Finalist)